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Writer's pictureNappySnatch

Speak Truth to Your Power

December 18, 2021 11:36 PM EST

Welcome to the last Full Moon of 2021 featuring the 27th degree of Gemini, Venus in Retrograde and a powerful conjunction between Venus and Pluto.

Full Moons are culminations, so think back two weeks ago to the New Moon in Sagittarius. The question I offered was what is the Creative Spark in you trying to communicate? Have you been speaking your truth these last two weeks? Have you been listening to that still, small voice within you? But also think back to the New Moon in Gemini about six months ago. We were a year into Eclipse Season and the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity had us investigating our beliefs.

Tonight’s full moon is also a communicative one. I believe wholeheartedly in the New Thought belief system. We believe there is One Mind and that our Individual Minds are tiny pieces of that. Individualized nuggets of Divine origin. And with our creative minds, we can be, do and have anything that we can imagine. How are you embodying your divine assignment? What is Source seeking to be through you and your life?

Mercury, the Ruler of this Full Moon is square Chiron, the teacher and Healer of the childhood wound. In this aspect we have a wonderful opportunity to speak truth to false beliefs about the self. Remember how stressful middle school was? Always worrying if you had the right clothes. Worrying whether so and so was mad at you or whether so and so thought you were cute? Chiron in Aries can mess with self-esteem. Tonight is a good night to love up on yourself a little. The only person’s approval that you need is your own. Look yourself in the eye and tell yourself that you love who you are becoming, because you are doing alright.

But what the fuck is going on with Venus? She’s deconstructing your relationships, that’s what. She’s poised to begin her retrograde phase the day after the full moon. At 26˙Capricorn, she begin her 40 day (and forty night) sojourn through the underworld, drawing our attentions inward. Conjunct Pluto, there is powerful healing going on.

Venus represents our desires, attractions, and one-on-ones. She is our lover, our partner and our best friend. Pluto moves us to eradicate anything inauthentic in our relationship spaces. He’s burning up any fears we might be holding regarding our own desirability. He’s eradicating any bullshit that is getting in the way of magnetizing exactly what we want.

Do you want a non-traditional relationship set-up? Fine? Are you finding it intolerable enabling relationships that you know are out of balance whether they’re your own or your parents? That fits. Pluto destroys in order to create. So, for some, this conjunction might pinch a little. But pain is good information that something needs to change. You may need to walk away from some toxic entanglements.

The fun part of this alliance is that you may already be on the creative side. You are finally able to give voice to your truest desires. You are free of shame to go after exactly what you want. So, locate 26˙Capricorn in your chart and see in what area of your life your relationships are getting revolutionized. Nappysnatch, out!

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